Roslyn Young-Daniels is Founder and Director of The Daniels Network, LLC, a marketing solutions and strategic insight consultancy serving the pharmaceutical and health care sectors. She is also President and Founder of, Black Health Matters (BHM) launched in 2003 and the BHM website, a video centric educational network that provides health care professionals and consumers with expert advice aimed at improving Black health, while addressing the complex social and economic issues that often lead to health disparities in minority communities.

Founder Black Health Matters
According to BHM, “African Americans have poor health outcomes on nearly every disease index; we’re either at higher risk for developing an illness or we die from it in greater numbers.” Their goals is to provide information about health and well-being from a service-oriented perspective–with lots of upbeat, positive solutions and tips.
The website is a resource on a wide range of health topics such as how to help patients with dementia enjoy the holidays, the connection between dementia and cholesterol, providing a detailed breakdown of newly available gene therapy treatments for Sickle Cell. “Black Skin Missed Diagnoses,” “Prostate Cancer’s Impact On Black Americans,” a feature on Black-owned bakeries making gluten-free treats, the benefits of meditation on mental health and more.
The site hosts an entire section on fitness, including workout hacks and demonstration videos, tips to guide you toward a healthier lifestyle and 8 hacks for the “train wrecked tastebuds” of those undergoing chemotherapy.
In the fall of 2023 Black Health Matters held a hybrid health summit an expo in Los Angeles at the St. Annes Family Services Conference Center in Los Angeles Ca, with speakers including Chadiinma Chima-Melton, M.D, M.B.A, Associate Professor of Medicine UCLA, Denise N. Bronner Clinical Trials Diversity and Inclusion Strategist, Tony and EMMY award-winning actor Courtney b. Vance, Tony Cornelius, son of entertainment legend Don Cornelius and BET Executive Producer and licensed psychologist, best-selling author, public speaker and mental health advocate, Dr. Robin L. Smith.
And, on March 2, 2024 at Loudermilk Conference Center Atlanta, Georgia Black Health Matters is offering a Health Summit/Expo. BHM ‘s goal is to provide those attending both in person and virtually, with information on wide range of health-related topics and services.
To assure the content is relevant and beneficial prospective attendees are invited to their site NOW to provide input. Those visiting the site right now can actually vote/share with BHM topics of interest they’d like included in this Winter Health Expo Summit; Clinical Trials, Breast Cancer, Heart Disease, Health Advocacy, Obesity, Vaccine Confidence, HIV/AIDS ….. there are over 20 possible topics to choose from. To learn more about Black Health Matters, the upcoming Expo or to take advantage of their wealth of valuable resources visit –