Women In The Spotlight – Angelica Urquijo

Angelica Urquijo is a national board member of the Association of Latino Professionals for America, an Advisory Council Member (Latino Community Council) PBS SoCal and VP of Public Relations for the Board of Directors for Hispanic Bilingual Toastmasters. Angelica is CEO and Founder of The ImageN Group, Inc. 

Angelica Urquijo, CEO
The ImageN Group

She founded The ImageN Group, a bilingual public relations and multicultural marketing consultancy,  in 2012 with the goal of  providing visibility solutions for organizations using inclusive marketing-communications strategy. The ImageN Group’s  key is in  identifying  the right mix of diversity initiatives in social & digital media, public relations, and community outreach, to engage and mobilize  and organization’s clients, consumers , constituents and team members.

Their services include strategies, planning and execution in the areas of  organization-wide brand messaging,  cross-cultural marketing, social media messaging and internal training. They also provide spokesperson training for corporate executives and public officials. The ImageN Group is a Los Angeles based, Minority Women-Owned, Small Business and is WMBE, SBE Certified. Their organizational mission is to guide organizations in building cultural bridges connecting them to diverse communities and target audiences.

Some of their past and present clients include the State of California, Los Angeles County, The Discovery Cube, Latin Style Magazine, University of Southern California, Mission In Hotel & Spa, Pipeline Health Systems and  Wealth Management Systems, California Hispanic chamber of Commerce and the Consulate General Of Mexico In Los Angeles.

To find tips and resources, to sign up for their newsletter, or to schedule a free consultation visit their website – https://www.theimagengroup.com



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