With Snapchat, Instagram, Flickr and Tumblr What’s A Picture Worth?

Beverly Macy is co-author of The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing and host of Social Media Radio on the Tavis Smiley Network.

She says the Social Snaps universe is turning the idea of “A pictures is worth a thousand words” on its head. She explains that is because now  with technology not limited to smartphones, Apps and social media images are being tagged and geo-tagged. Photos are not only shared via 1.8 billion Facebook profiles.

Macy points out that according to mobiThinking, by 2016, 387.5 billion MMS (messages that include photos and video) will be sent, representing 1.7 percent of global messaging traffic.

Think about it; with Snapchat, WhatsApp, Instagram, Flickr, Pinterest and Tumblr hundreds of millions of images flying around our global digital community.

Macy’ highlights Wikipedia’s explanation of  1 picture is worth 1000 words as referring to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. The mind perceives the image and creates a story.

She asks, “What is an image shared via social media worth?” That is the question that marketers, entrepreneurs and companies like Pinterest, Facebook and so many others are asking.

I’d add another question: How to get those furiously uploading, sharing, browsing and “liking” these billions of images out of the  tunnel made up of these mega photo streams and digital “galleries to a transaction funnel –  be that ecommerce cart or contribution to CRM dialog?


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