With FlightCar Start-up Earn Money Instead of Paying for Airport Parking

After just 18 months, FlightCar now has more than 30,000 members across its three cities. The startup has also raised $20 million. Started in the Bay-area by three young men too young to buy a drink the start-up has $6 million in investor backing. Ryan Seacrest is one of the major investors. The start-up rental car company currently has locations at Los Angeles LAX and Boston  and has just announced service in Seattle promising more locations coming soon.

While not limited to business travelers there is certainly great benefit for the frequent traveler. You not only get free parking, a free car wash and free curbside valet you can make $10 per day renting your car!  I don’t know about you but I’m in!

For more info on how it works  visit http://bit.ly/19Zqoz6

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