From Shama Hyder – What are 5 Tips For Business Start-Ups?

renee williamsShama Kabani Hyder is Founder of The Marketing Zen Group. When she was only 24 she was named as one of Business Week’s “America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs.”  Business Insider named her one of the “20 Young Professionals to Watch in 2012.” In my opinion her best-selling book “The Zen of Social Media Marketing” is a definitive primer and must read for anyone starting out in social media for business or personal. If you haven’t read it can purchase it here from the Successful-Women-Blog Resource page via Amazon.  And I actually encourage you to start a readers group here on Successful-Women-Blog to share questions and observations, here on our blog with others reading her book as well.

In addition to the important tips provided by Shama here I have a more to offer;
Visualize what success looks like. Set up a means to measure it. That means starting with some benchmark measurements of where you are now and monitoring regularly. That will alert you to any proactive that you to change direction.
Have the financial structure and legal support you need to protect yourself and your business. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as an advisory person with legal strengths and some really user friendly, reasonably priced, billing and invoicing software. I’ll share a recommendation in an upcoming post. In the meantime we look forward to you posting your suggestions here as well.
Test market and checkout your completion. Again it doesn’t need to be complicated. Share advance product samples with friends, colleagues and family as informal market research. Be sure to make it clear you want the candid and authentic feedback. And you can find a wealth of information about completion by following them on Twitter, going to their Facebook page, signing up to receive eNewsletters or looking at Yahoo! Finance.
Here is Shama  in a conversation with Pelpina Trip of



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