Never Eat Lunch Alone (with social media there is no excuse)

Meaning there is everything to be gained by engaging others in your dreams and your struggles.  An okay idea can be made good and a good idea great by adding the perspectives and insights of others. And, a bad idea needs a reality check. Or you just may need something that someone can connect you to…. but how can they if you’ve never even talked to them about it?  And most importantly we all need encouragement and we all need a sounding board even if it is to stop us from going too far down a dead end path.

Social media has made it so much easier to network and connect at physical events with people from all walks of life. There are real opportunities to indulge all of your interests and nurture all of your dreams through the connections you make.  Many of the dynamic women who’s thoughts, tips and perspectives I’ll share on this blog are connections I have made and keep through social media. Some I met first in a physical space and then connected online- Melissa Lanz, Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Founder of The Fresh20, and Dana LaRue, Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Founder of and Random House published author of Broke Ass Bride’s Wedding Guide. Others, Like Beverly Macy, Author, Educator and CEO and host of Social Media Radio on the Tavis Smiley Network, I met online and later met in person. And others  like Shama Hyder, author of the eBook featured on our Resource Page, The Zen Of Social Media Marketing and  Founder of the Marketing Zen Group and Ann Handley, author, Huffington Post Contributor, Chief Content Officer of MarketingProfs-  though I feel truly connected I have only “met” in cyberspace. You’ve hopefully learned a lot from them here– from their perspectives which I will continue to share here on Successful-Women-Blog.

There are so many online networking resources  that  offer real world experiences- what are some or your favorites?

I like some hyper local ones like Innovate Pasadena, a  professional tech, start-up and business network and a LinkedIn group and I am a longtime fan of because no matter where I travel or what I’m in the mood for I am bound to find something there.

Please post your recommendations.



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