Tips For 2013 Social Media Success- From Beverly Macy of Gravity SummitTV

Whether you are a small business of a large corporation the your social media activities need to support the business strategy. A key to your road map is to look to your social media marketing and social customer service for best practices and lessons learned. These areas have been on the social media forefront longer than the rest of the organization and offer valuable insights.

We had a special post here on Successful-Women-Blog in 2012 on the value and uses of “big data.” According to Beverly, “Big data is the big money-maker going forward. “He who owns the data WINS” has never been more true.” Do you and your teams know how to data mine Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, etc. etc.? Didn’t think so. Time to get busy. You might want to take a look back at Successful-Women-Blog’s 2012 post and whitepaper.

Macy sees 2013 as the year we’re all moving to the cloud. I know I am THERE big time. She says the economy is going to turn around and when it does organizations will be social, mobile and in the cloud— she cautions if you are not there you’ll be Wondering what happened! You’ve been warned!!


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