Talent Maven and CPGjobs Successfully Navigate the Rocky Terrain of Staffing and Recruitment

carrillo carolyn RCarolyn Reinholdt of  San Francisco based Talent Maven and

Michael Carrillo of Pasadena, CA based CPGjobs are standouts

in the rough landscape that is recruiting and staffing as defined

by a rocky U.S. economy and job search as defined by web 2.0.

They are a breath of fresh air. At least one ingredient  in Talent Maven’s secret sauce is listening- what a concept -skilled- authentic listening to clients that retain them, AND potential candidates, resulting in skillful matches. The recipe for success at CPBjobs includes long-standing trusted  relationships with hiring managers and above and beyond services and coaching for candidates also leading to successful matches.

No matter what side of the fence you are on these days there is no denying the current landscape for job seekers and executive search is worse than a shark tank.   Qualified candidates are never uncovered by a human- blocked and scanned out by mystery computer programs. “Recruiters” troll the Internet casting a wide net gathering candidates they don’t know and could care less about and fling them at hiring managers at companies they are not connected with– enter Carolyn Reinholdt of  Talent Maven (Bay Area) and Michael Carrillo of CPGjobs (SoCal).

Their reputations and services are solid. Their commitment to transparency and candor is noteworthy but more than that they bring  passion to what they do and an authentic commitment to helping both the hiring company and the candidate. If you are looking to hire or looking for your next career move if they are on either side of the equation you’re in luck.

While Talent Maven’s website is under construction they can be contacted at 415-271-1737.

For more information about CPGjobs visit  www.cpgjob.com





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