Shama Hyder–Social, Local, Mobile Tips

I have raved about Shama’s knowledge and insights on this blog before. This time I am sharing her tip on a good read on the Social, Mobile, Local trend or SoLoMo.  For businesses big and small here are some key points from the “How SoLoMo Is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing” article from her Marketing Zen Newsletter.

According to Marketing Zen–Like it or not, the smartphone is becoming a kind of digital database that constantly allows smartphone users – and the companies marketing to them – to store, access, and use information about who we are, who we know, what we like to do, where we are, and where we have been.  We volunteer this information in exchange for goods and services.

The article goes on to explain— Maybe your customers check in with Foursquare so their friends can find them easily, use Qwiqq to find a daily deal from a local business, or rely on filtered search applications like Nommunity’s Food Community app to find a vegan or gluten-free meal on the go.  They get immediate access to information they want and need – and the marketers who are using SoLoMo platforms effectively are finding a ready audience for their information, products, and services, plus access to massive amounts of data they can use.

But Shama and Marketing Zen’s real question is, is your business ready for this revolution in how consumers look for information? They caution if not, it’s time to get started.

For a jumpstart I suggest the latest edition of Shama Hyder’s “The Zen of Social Media Marketing” released earlier this year and named one of the top 5 social media books.


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