Shama Hyder asks “What is your Social Media ROI?”

In a recent Dallas Biz Journal interview with Shama, founder of the Zen Marketing Group not only asks the question but also gives you the inside scoop on what to take inconsideration when evaluating the return on your social media marketing investment.

According to Shama you face a challenge: Your company has been engaging on social networks. And, you’ve seen likes and followers increase, but are struggling to really define the ROI of your social media efforts. Intrinsically you may feel that your efforts are being fruitful, but the powers that be want to see how it is impacting the bottom line.

Your answer from Shama  is “There is no ROI when looking only at social media in isolation.” She says that both you and anyone else weighing in on the impact of your social media marketing initiatives, must look at these integrated into and in joint consideration with your entire marketing mix be it event marketing, traditional print, TV, etc. as well as PR initiatives.

Setting up a Facebook page or tweeting or even blogging alone doesn’t produce much. What produces true ROI is when social media marketing becomes part of the bigger picture.

My conclusion;  the ROI of all marketing activities is interconnected and inseparable. Every press release, every print of TV add and even event displays and messaging connects to and references you social media platforms and invites your audience to engage with you in two way conversations, feedback and experiences via social media AND at the same time talk to your audience, as appropriate, about physical events or to look for a catalog in the mail if they are so inclined.


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