Proving Value To Audiences Is Key In Other Words-Content Rules

Among her many hats Ann Handley of Marketing Profs is a published author including her book titles “Content Rules” – to remind us all of that fact. Her book provides terrific examples and useful tips for bloggers, businesses and entrepreneurs. Ann’s book is in line to be a featured eBook here on Successful-Women-Blog.  Right now the book featured here on the Resource Page is Zen of Social Media Marketing,  by Shama Hyder- to be followed by Power of Real Time Social Media Marketing, by Beverly Macy. After that I promise you Ann’s book will be in that spot.  For now take a minute to watch the following video, from Vocus, where Ann shares some thoughts on the importance of personal, relate-able content.  This is key to giving your audience a sense of your personality- or your brand’s and assuring they relate to both your brand and your content/message.  Thoughts shared here by Ann tie in nicely with my downloadable  “Did I Give You Permission” white paper, available on the Resource Page, and my post on email etiquette/permission marketing.

And you know what? Even if you’re only using social media with friends and family there’s value here for you too! What do you think? I invite you to post about an experience that stands out to you, good or bad, relating to a message a company or friend shared with you.


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