Permission Marketing – email etiquette

I honestly believe there is value for non-marketing friends and family in that message as well.

This will be a short post. I know we are all about social media these days however we cannot overlook the ongoing significance of email as a marketing tool as well personal use. I actually invite you to  go to the Successful-Women-Blog Resource page where you can download my PowerPoint “Did I Say You Could Email Me?”

I can’t be the only one finding  that –not just emails– but tweets and posts even on LinkedIn there seems to be  a gradual shifting from messages being sent that are relevant, valuable and useful to me.  Seems more and more folks  are not staying true to intent of sharing meaningful value but instead pushing their agendas,  jokes they appreciate but demonstrate they don’t know me.  They are pushing out communications focused on  what they want and appreciate rather than what the recipient needs and appreciates.

Social media and social media platforms started out with folks truly curating the content they created, sent or forwarded. And many people still understand and adhere to this. Many people  still put thought and effort into knowing who they are talking to –and what that person’s goals, interests and needs are. They know who they are talking to, and what mattered to the recipient and it shows. But more and more I am looking at not just my emailbox but tweets from followers and updates on LinkedIn and thinking, “Did I  really give you permission to send me that? Why would you send me that?  How does that matter to me?”

Are your observations the same — or not? Either way We’d love to hear from you.

And if you have filtering strategies to share they will be much appreciated. In the meantime please download “Did I Say You could Email Me?” from our Resource page.

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