Using Social Media “Big Data” For Marketing That Pays Off

I don’t know about you but I could use a data compass to aid social media and other marketing decisions!  Traditional offline marketing is still effective for many segments. At the same time I am all about social media– I mean I live it and love it. On a personal level it is a convenient effective time saver.  And for business and personal there is nothing better for fact-finding, updates, sharing– you name it.

It helps me stay on top of trends and share trends. It makes it easy to stay competitive by monitoring what your competitors are up to.  And the available consumer “big data” underlying the social media platforms we all use the most allows businesses big and small to target messages and products better -and gain better understanding of consumer behavior and preferences.

To just stick a toe in the water try a quick experiment. Pretend you are a potential ad-buying client with GOOGLE or Facebook. Check out the tools they, Four Square, and others provide to potential ad-buyers.

The consumer/user data they make available to marketers and entrepreneurs gives you a wealth of helpful insights.  And these days it is a MUST for any savvy marketer. You can bet that your competition is taking advantage of “big data” analysis. In my white paper (same title as this post) available on our Resource Page I give just a brief illustration of this using a hypothetical scenario of a marketer wanting to reach a target audience segment fitting the profile of an Old Navy shopper. Take a look! What “big data” sources do you use? And has it changed your market strategies?


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