From Ann Handley and MarketingProfs 5 Ways a Video Blog Can Enhance Your Brand



renee uses a strategy of video blogging on their ecommerce site.  The particular approach is content curation of  videos  that  appeal and will be of interest to their target audience- and in a subtle way speak to the personality of the brand while creating another means to draw traffic to the site. There are many options for video blogs from archives /libraries of useful how-to or about-us videos. And on sites such as Kickstarter and Inidiegogo where videos  where provide a creative and approachable platform to humanize your company, project and mission. MarketingProfs describes a video blog as “simply an online video documenting something that you want to communicate. It can be used to highlight the following…”

An interview of the commercial director and/or employees giving information about the company.

A tour of business’ offices/plant/farm/lab explaining how things work.

Somebody reporting and offering opinions on contemporary news.

Reviews of a product, or demonstrations of company products.

Something funny, wacky and shareable.

Personally I’d  also add it allows you to define, enhance and illustrate your brand personality. And according to MarketingProfs

  1. Video blogs humanize your company and give your consumers a face to relate to your business.
  2. Video makes potentially boring content interesting.
  3. Video blogging gives you the opportunity to engage and interact with your audience.
  4. A video blog demonstrates that your company is web-savvy.

By the way I actually think there secondary point here is more important—and that is if people like it they will share it. This is a way to spread the word about your brand.

And finally

5. Video blogs show that your business is keeping up with technology.

If you are not convince your company should have a video blog using data from a comScore report Marketing Profs makes the point that in the US, 182 million internet users watched online video content for an average of 23.2 hours per viewer during just one month. (Sorry they neglected to provide the timeframe.)

And they leave us with a final point illustrated by the your video blog—It does not have to be about your products or services. It can be about anything you think is interesting or you think others will find interesting. That means have some fun with it!

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