Who Are The Essential Members of Your Business Team?

Melissa is dedicated to happiness as a daily lifestyle. She is the Founder of The Fresh 20 –  a meal planning service that provides simple healthy meal plans  for healthy homemade dinners using just 20 fresh, seasonal ingredients per week.

She understands that the path to health and happiness runs through the kitchen. Her healthful menu plans help thousands of people across Northern America every week to get wholesome food on the table.

While you can look forward to healthy food tips and demos from Melissa here on Successful-Women-Blog I felt it really important with our first peak to give you an appreciate of Melissa’s mastery on the business side.

In 2011, Melissa founded the Family Food Summit, an online conversation with food industry leaders, about feeding our families. She believes in small changes everyday to encourage optimal health and promotes family meals.

Melissa is a serial entrepreneur and former Internet brand consultant for Fortune 100 companies. She knows what it takes to create profit based on an idea or a spark. An expert in small business structure, Melissa mentors dreamers beyond passionate ideas and into real, tangible results.

Melissa’s advice here on essential team members for your business fit nicely with Shama Hyder’s 5 tips, and mine, in my post “What Are 5 Tips For Business Start-Ups,” as well as insights you’ll find in my downloadable presentations on Permission Marketing and Big Data on our Resource page.

Here, in this Docstoc video, she shares thoughts on key members for your start-up business team. Look for discussion here on  Docstoc in an upcoming post. After you watch the video here please provide your suggestions on key essentials for a small business team.  SHARE:  

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