Climate & Environment

Michigan Reclaiming, Revitalizing and Reimagining Decommissioned Coal Plants

Currently there are currently more than 200 coal-fired power plants in the U.S. But the country continues to move away from its peak coal production in 2011 and by 2026 it is anticipated that  we will have retired half our coal capacity. According to the Environmental Law & Policy Center this trend of closing and …

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60% Of World’s Population Washes Laundry By Hand

The Washing Machine Project (TWMP)  is a U/K.-based  grassroots social enterprise. A social enterprise is a business that maximizes its primary purpose. In general, the goal is to maximize both profits and benefits to society and the environment. In the case of TWMP, they have honed in on a glaring underserved niche….. the fact that …

60% Of World’s Population Washes Laundry By Hand Read More »

Teens’ Invention Holds Bright Potential For Filtering Microplastics

Victoria Ou and Justin Huang, both 17 years old  from Woodland, Texas won $50,000, from the Gordon E. Moore Award for Positive Outcomes for Future Generations.  They invented a device that filters microplastics from water. In early research the high schoolers reached out to the EPA and were informed that the EPA does not regulate …

Teens’ Invention Holds Bright Potential For Filtering Microplastics Read More »

Fast Fashion’s Environmental Downside

I think, not realizing the downside,  all of us got caught up in what is known as “fast fashion.”  That’s inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass market retailers feeding on the latest and rapidly changing trends. This is clothes  coming out so quickly and cheaply that we literally have purchasing generations coming up who give …

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Wild Horses Can Aid The Fight Against Wildfires

Hear me out. I know this may seem out of left field. Wild horses and burros were granted protection by Congress in 1971 deemed “living symbols of history.” With the 1971 Wild Free Roaming Horses and Burro Act, Congress outlawed, capture, branding, harassment or killing of wild horses and burros. And As a result, thinking …

Wild Horses Can Aid The Fight Against Wildfires Read More »

Women In The Spotlight
Elena Christopoulas

Elena Christopoulos is a Climate Scientist selling vintage clothing  “and fabulous things.”  She is also a public speaker, writer, Sustainability Consultant .  In 2000 Elena founded Christopoulos Management Consulting (ECMC). Elena is a Certified Sustainability Practitioner who has managed more than 40 environmental and political campaigns worldwide. Through ECMC she has created over 500,000 green …

Women In The Spotlight
Elena Christopoulas
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Women In The Spotlight
Leigh Adams

Leigh Adams is a former children’s librarian and outdoor education teacher who is passionate about providing learners of all ages the opportunity to explore and acquire new skills. She disseminates her creativity through instruction, demonstration and implementation of an array of hands-on fine arts crafts and environmentally sustainable gardening and landscaping projects. Leigh is a …

Women In The Spotlight
Leigh Adams
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Acadia Center- Collaboration For Non-Fossil Fuel Future

Acadia Center, based in Rockport Maine, is  a nonprofit research and advocacy organization working for a clean energy, low carbon, non-fossil fuel future.  Their geographic focus is on the Northeastern United States. Over the years they have developed a successful track record in helping to advance state and regional  clean energy initiatives and positive impact climate policies. Their …

Acadia Center- Collaboration For Non-Fossil Fuel Future Read More »

Norway – The Electric Vehicle Success Story

According to an article by Jack Ewing of “The New York Times,” about 80% of the new vehicle bought in Norway last year were electric. In fact, chargers now far out number  gas pumps at  stations run by the Texas- based chain Circle K in Norway now.  Circle K had challenges with regard to charging infrastructure  and software. That …

Norway – The Electric Vehicle Success Story Read More »

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