Business Insights

Insights and tips on strategies and trends in marketing, marcom, business, revenue generations, audience building

South Korea The Next Trending Digital Nomad Destination?

Well, that’s South Korea’s goal with their January 1, 2024 announcement of an enticing Digital Nomad Visa. The new visa allows digital nomads to stay up to 2 years. According to  BBC t this is a big change from foreigners only being eligible previously for a tourist visa, or a stay of less than 90 …

South Korea The Next Trending Digital Nomad Destination? Read More »

Nashville Nonprofit Providing More Than Hope To The Formerly Incarcerated

According widely published data, as well as Project Return’s website, the United States makes up only 5% of the world’s total population but 25% of the world’s prison population. The  nonprofit describes incarceration as a growth industry in Tennessee, ranking 12th in the nation in terms of per capita incarceration – which they document grew …

Nashville Nonprofit Providing More Than Hope To The Formerly Incarcerated Read More »

All Work And No Play Is Bad for Adult Well-being

What if I told you that there are findings indicating  play is a basic human need? Researchers are making the case that play is vital to our lives – even as adults. According to, we don’t need to make adult life all about work. Let me be clear. No,  a group of friends out …

All Work And No Play Is Bad for Adult Well-being Read More »

Are Vocational And Trade Schools Making A U.S. Comeback?

In the 1980’s there was a shift away from vocations and trades taught in U.S. schools and a push towards liberal arts. All this coincided with growth of  for-profit 4-year colleges literally becoming an industry and omnipresent  messaging as college being THE path to the “American Dream.” In contrast other countries and cultures have steadfastly …

Are Vocational And Trade Schools Making A U.S. Comeback? Read More »

Michigan Reclaiming, Revitalizing and Reimagining Decommissioned Coal Plants

Currently there are currently more than 200 coal-fired power plants in the U.S. But the country continues to move away from its peak coal production in 2011 and by 2026 it is anticipated that  we will have retired half our coal capacity. According to the Environmental Law & Policy Center this trend of closing and …

Michigan Reclaiming, Revitalizing and Reimagining Decommissioned Coal Plants Read More »

Teens’ Invention Holds Bright Potential For Filtering Microplastics

Victoria Ou and Justin Huang, both 17 years old  from Woodland, Texas won $50,000, from the Gordon E. Moore Award for Positive Outcomes for Future Generations.  They invented a device that filters microplastics from water. In early research the high schoolers reached out to the EPA and were informed that the EPA does not regulate …

Teens’ Invention Holds Bright Potential For Filtering Microplastics Read More »

AARP Is A Valuable Portal For Seniors (or anyone) To Navigating AI

Ready or not AI has become an undeniable part of our daily conversation. And, surprisingly AARP is an organization taking an extremely proactive approach. While AARP is known for a cornucopia of resources and benefits for folks 50 and older there actually is NO minimum age limit for becoming an AARP member. To quote Edward …

AARP Is A Valuable Portal For Seniors (or anyone) To Navigating AI Read More »

Fast Fashion’s Environmental Downside

I think, not realizing the downside,  all of us got caught up in what is known as “fast fashion.”  That’s inexpensive clothing produced rapidly by mass market retailers feeding on the latest and rapidly changing trends. This is clothes  coming out so quickly and cheaply that we literally have purchasing generations coming up who give …

Fast Fashion’s Environmental Downside Read More »

Supporting Local Independent Bookstores Is Important

Sure, online retailers, by volume, can probably offer some lower prices and you don’t have to leave your couch. But online retailers are just that… ecommerce specialists not booksellers. Folks at local books stores are passionate, knowledgeable bibliophiles. Local independent bookstores and their staff serve communities and individuals, personally. They are anchors in communities providing …

Supporting Local Independent Bookstores Is Important Read More »

Women In The Spotlight – Angelica Urquijo

Angelica Urquijo is a national board member of the Association of Latino Professionals for America, an Advisory Council Member (Latino Community Council) PBS SoCal and VP of Public Relations for the Board of Directors for Hispanic Bilingual Toastmasters. Angelica is CEO and Founder of The ImageN Group, Inc.  She founded The ImageN Group, a bilingual …

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