How Big Data Is Helping Problem-Solving In 2014

renee williamsThese observations from Beverly Macy, host of Social Media Radio and the co-author of The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing , tie right in with my post “In-Store Shopping Is Not Dead Or Dying.”
Here’s an extract from Beverly’s blog on Huffington Post:
“Big data leads to small insights — insights that are targeted and smart. Think about a store locator on your smart phone. You search for furniture stores and ask for three choices. The actual data query is huge and filled with hundreds of decision points based on location, preferences, behavior, sentiment and much more. It’s not the big data that’s smart — it’s the way it’s found and delivered that makes it meaningful.”
“But the data set that gets delivered to your phone is small — and smart. You get results based on your criteria and off you go to visit the 3 stores in your area.”
I have posted here on the topic of big data as a tool for marketers and strategic decisions. As Beverly points out here it is increasing a tool for consumers as well. Marketers would do well to understand the implications of this.





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