An Early Prediction From Beverly Macy Of A Hot Biz Trend For 2014

renee williamsOne of my favorite social media and technology gurus is Beverly Macy. I have spotlighted her on my blog a number of times. In addition to being a noted author she is also radio host of Social Media Radio on The Tavis Smiley Network.  One of Beverly’s predictions for 2014 is that predictive content is finally coming to B2B. As consumer you may not know it but we have long been exposed to predictive content — and come to expect it. You know — when you’ve shopped on Amazon or watch Netflix such that they “predict” your preferences and offer up suggestions, i.e., content.

According to Macy in 2014 we will start to experience content suggestions from a business perspective such as recommendations to you  like “here’s an interesting article other employees have read”…. or if you are a supplier doing research you might get a predictive recommendation  that “other suppliers have downloaded this price list.”

If your  business is a B2B business model I predict that you will need to stay on top of this trend. It has always been a cornerstone business mantra to demonstrate to clients that you know them. With big data, data clouds  instant information access and real-time flexibility predictive content is a truly powerful way to demonstrate to your clients that you do know them.




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