Author name: Renee Willams

Who Are The Essential Members of Your Business Team?

Melissa is dedicated to happiness as a daily lifestyle. She is the Founder of The Fresh 20 –  a meal planning service that provides simple healthy meal plans  for healthy homemade dinners using just 20 fresh, seasonal ingredients per week. She understands that the path to health and happiness runs through the kitchen. Her healthful menu …

Who Are The Essential Members of Your Business Team? Read More »

3-D Printing Offers Career And Entrepreneurial Options, Math Help And A Fun Pass Time

A few months ago  I attended a mini Silicon Beach Fest at Idealab in Pasadena. Even though it was on the agenda 3D printing was not on my radar. I was there for sessions on content and blogging but decided to arrive earlier to take in the other sessions. No surprise 3D printing is even …

3-D Printing Offers Career And Entrepreneurial Options, Math Help And A Fun Pass Time Read More »

YouTube Music Awards – Take A Lesson From Tyler The Creator

For the sake of anyone that doesn’t know Tyler The Creator he has successfully built  a music career, without benefit of radio air play, and leveraged it into commercial production, including Mountain Dew, a carnival, The Loiter Squad- a Cartoon Network TV series and a clothing line which sold more than $250,000 in socks alone …

YouTube Music Awards – Take A Lesson From Tyler The Creator Read More »

An Early Prediction From Beverly Macy Of A Hot Biz Trend For 2014

One of my favorite social media and technology gurus is Beverly Macy. I have spotlighted her on my blog a number of times. In addition to being a noted author she is also radio host of Social Media Radio on The Tavis Smiley Network.  One of Beverly’s predictions for 2014 is that predictive content is …

An Early Prediction From Beverly Macy Of A Hot Biz Trend For 2014 Read More »

Social Media For Social Impact-Invisible People-Mark Horvath Once Homeless Himself Tells The Stories Of The Homeless

We all have many facets of our lives. Another one of mine is personal responsibility to get involved in helping the disadvantaged.  To that end I hold the conviction that we can all do more to leverage social media for social impact.  My children and I fill our kitchen and  living room with brown paper bags and …

Social Media For Social Impact-Invisible People-Mark Horvath Once Homeless Himself Tells The Stories Of The Homeless Read More »

Beverly Macy-Has Social Media Changed Your Marketing Needs – And How You Define Competition?

Beverly Macy is not only a professional friend and mentor, she is the Founder of Gravity Summit, Host of   BlogTalkRadio  on The Tavis Smiley Network, an author and highly regarded educator in Social Media Marketing and Global Branding. Beverly is truly an inspiration! Talk about reimagining yourself- Beverly did just that moving from being a …

Beverly Macy-Has Social Media Changed Your Marketing Needs – And How You Define Competition? Read More »

Talent Maven and CPGjobs Successfully Navigate the Rocky Terrain of Staffing and Recruitment

Carolyn Reinholdt of  San Francisco based Talent Maven and Michael Carrillo of Pasadena, CA based CPGjobs are standouts in the rough landscape that is recruiting and staffing as defined by a rocky U.S. economy and job search as defined by web 2.0. They are a breath of fresh air. At least one ingredient  in Talent Maven’s secret …

Talent Maven and CPGjobs Successfully Navigate the Rocky Terrain of Staffing and Recruitment Read More »

Sound Familiar? Melissa Lanz On How She Reinvented Her Professional Self

The business women I feature here on Successful-Women-Blog I feel a special connection with. That’s because I have actually met them and literally connected —or read  their books and blogs and gained a wealth of knowledge. Bottomline I return to them and their insights again and again. I have featured Melissa in this blog before …

Sound Familiar? Melissa Lanz On How She Reinvented Her Professional Self Read More »

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