Author name: Renee Willams

Summer Concert Season – Get Out Your Picnic Basket!!

I love summer.  One thing I look forward to are free summer concerts east coast and west coast. And  outdoor concerts mean it’s time to  whip up  your summer picnic specialties (or  make a quick run to Trader Joe’s or your favorite deli).  Coming here soon Melissa Lanz with healthy summer dishes….something you don’t want …

Summer Concert Season – Get Out Your Picnic Basket!! Read More »

From Shama Hyder – What are 5 Tips For Business Start-Ups?

Shama Kabani Hyder is Founder of The Marketing Zen Group. When she was only 24 she was named as one of Business Week’s “America’s Best Young Entrepreneurs.”  Business Insider named her one of the “20 Young Professionals to Watch in 2012.” In my opinion her best-selling book “The Zen of Social Media Marketing” is a …

From Shama Hyder – What are 5 Tips For Business Start-Ups? Read More »

Melissa Lanz Shares – What’s The Quickest Way For An Entrepreneur To Fail?

I’d like to hear your thoughts, as an entrepreneur. Name a top reason entrepreneurs and business start-ups fail.  And your business and start-up  insights on what you wish you had changed sooner or not done at all. That’s what this blog is here for so we all learn and grow with the help of each …

Melissa Lanz Shares – What’s The Quickest Way For An Entrepreneur To Fail? Read More »

Brno Czech Republic- San Francisco, CA Two Traffic Congestion Solutions

With more focus on global warming, sensitivity to fuel prices and metropolitan traffic congestion  we all need to take a world view when seeking solutions.  Remember the Pablo Picasso quote “ Good artists copy but great artists steal?” No need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to traffic solutions. Bikes share the road with …

Brno Czech Republic- San Francisco, CA Two Traffic Congestion Solutions Read More »

Melissa Lanz Featured on “A Look at Books with Dr. Jean Layton”

I have featured Melissa Lanz’s insights on my blog before — sharing her  business and management insights as well as healthy snack tips,  how to navigate your farmer’s market and even cooking demonstrations with Greg Zarian of Healthline. In this post I thought I’d give you the opportunity to get a better understanding of her …

Melissa Lanz Featured on “A Look at Books with Dr. Jean Layton” Read More »

From Beverly Macy -How Big Data Will Help Problem-Solving In 2014

These observations from Beverly Macy, host of Social Media Radio and the co-author of The Power of Real-Time Social Media Marketing , tie right in with my post “In-Store Shopping Is Not Dead Or Dying.” Here’s an extract from Beverly’s blog on Huffington Post: “Big data leads to small insights — insights that are targeted …

From Beverly Macy -How Big Data Will Help Problem-Solving In 2014 Read More »

How Do You Feel About The Bite Credit Card Fees Take Out Of Your Business Profits?

Don’t think you have a choice? Then you haven’t heard of Dwolla. U.S. Companies paid $66 billion in credit card fees in 2012. That bugs Ben Milne, Dwolla’s founder.  That’s why he founded Dwolla. And is company his on track this year to process $1 billion for 250,000 consumers and businesses this year.  The charge? …

How Do You Feel About The Bite Credit Card Fees Take Out Of Your Business Profits? Read More »

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