Are The U.S. And The FCC Out Of Sync On Net Neutrality?

renee williamsThe Brasil and European Union are protecting public access and future opportunities for entrepreneurs with strong Net Neutrality rulings. U.S. (read FCC) seems to capitulate to corporate lobbying by  power houses like Comcast leading to creating elite and preferential Internet pipelines into homes, at increased cost to consumers. The result – great benefit for mega companies – with negative impacts on future competition and innovation.

The FCC poised to do an about face on previous rulings on Net Neutrality. Sources say new rules will allow a company like Comcast and Verizon to negotiate separately with each content company – like Netflix, Amazon, Disney or Google – and charge different companies different amounts for priority.

Little focus as been given to the fact that the U.S. cable companies and other Anmajor U.S.  Internet pipeline providers like Verizon have long  help back bandwidth,… have intentionally kept Internet data transmission slow and below optimal. Is this a coincidence when looked at along side their lobbying against Net Neutrality?

With Comcast  poised to take over Time-Warner and become a monopoly this is a story with an outcome that has  deep, complicated future ramifications that I don’t believe we are even scratching the surface of.


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