African American Board Leadership Institute Looks To Enhance Board Diversity

How do we serve, relate to and connect with our target audience? That question is at the heart of all thought and strategy for companies that have succeeded in the past and those that will thrive in the future. In this age of social media and digital messages and products can be fine-tuned to be relevant to the diversity that makes up the quilt work of American consumers. The result is that not only at the staff level but also at the board level companies are rushing to meet the challenge of a staff and board that reflects this diversity.

Company leaders actively reaching out to him for recommendations and leads for board candidates to enhance board diversity.

Recognizing early on a growing demand for enhanced board diversity Yvette Chappell Ingram established African American Board Leadership Institute (AABLI) 10 years ago. With partnerships including Taproot Foundation and Center for Nonprofit Management and sponsors including the James Irvine Foundation and the California Endowment AABLI is poised to make a difference in African American board representation.

According to Chappell Ingram, “AABLI’s goal is to create a pipeline of qualified African American candidates for membership on governing boards.” The organization’s services for potential candidates include programs geared to provide in-depth preparation on board duties, procedures and requirements as well as assisting organizations in matching their needs to qualified candidates.  The AABLI model looks to be a great template which can be replicated to enhance board diversity not just by ethnicity but also, gender and a range of lifestyle preferences. For information visit www.


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