
Throughout my adult life I have had the wonderful benefit of knowing and engaging with dynamic women from all walks of life. Our paths, dreams and struggles are different and yet the same.  We all have so much to offer to business, community, family, friends and each other.  That is the purpose of Successful-Women-Blog …..  a hub of business and lifestyle resources we can all add to, learn from and share so  we all achieve greater success in our business (however we chose to define) and our lives.

Thanks to Ann Handley, Shama Kabani Hyder and Melissa Baker Lanz. That you are all so accomplished and  so supportive and encouraging of me  in this project  means more than words can say. Thank you for allowing me to spread your valuable perspectives, insights and tips here on Successful-Women-Blog.com.There have been so many talented, courageous and impactful women that I have been fortunate enough to connect with throughout my life. And, it became so clear there’s so much that we all have to offer that can help us all be more successful.  And that thought has led me to find a way to share an engaging supportive experience.

All are welcome here.  I have always loved marketing, bring people together .. and I have always been an early adopter in New Media and technology… and I have long been passionate about quality of life, and positive social impact. . These are my passions — and the idea for the Successful-Women-Blog lifestyle and business resource hub was born.

But this  is OUR blog.  This is a blog for EVERYONE- truly all are welcome. I encourage you to engage and share. On Successful-Women-Blog you’ll benefit from thoughts and tips shared by amazing women .  And I will bring you other tips, tools and experts I scout out.

But please, by all means this blog belongs to all of us. It is a work in progress and your thoughts on what you want to find here are needed and welcomed. What do you want more, less or none of? Let me know. And if you have something you need help with ask. If you have a resource or tip please share. This is how we will help each other succeed.

To Ryan Moore— no way I’d be here without you!  To Angelica Urquijo thanks for having lunch with me and your encouragement.  To my children  — I love you to the moon and back.

Welcome to Successful-Women-Blog

Renée Williams

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