A Horse Tale With A Happy Ending

Bear with me, this IS a feel good story. And, sometimes we just need a feel-good story. I fee like this is one of those days  Recently I posted on the perils  suffered by the U.S. wild horse population. This despite the 1971 law passed by Congress to protect them and their right to roam free. Commercial farmers,  ranchers and miners, it seems perhaps complicit with the U.S. Bureau Of Land Management, or  as a result of  loopholes in that law, constantly undertake aggressive efforts cutting up and “checkerboarding” U.S. wild lands to the commercial benefit of humans. And instead of roaming free as befits the “living symbols of history” Congress declared them  to be in 1971 wild horses and burros are herded by helicopters to spend their lives in metal pens and/or experience invasive medical procedures and sterilization.

I know, I said this was a feel-good story. And it is. This happy story is thanks to  strong commitment and stellar efforts by  the nonprofit Skydog Ranch and its founder, Clare Staples . Skydog Ranch is a sanctuary that rescues wild horses and burros and returns them to the wild free roaming lives they were meant to live. Please enjoy the following story of Clare’s rescue of “Blue Zeus,” and reuniting the majestic stallion with his family to live out their days free.

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