In a recent post I spotlighted how the Covid Pandemic led to a number of trends accelerating and converging in remote work, eLearning and off-the-grid digital nomad lifestyle.
I am a proponent of online course creation (fulltime or parttime) as a new business pursuit that changes both one’s lifestyle and financial circumstances. The possibilities for who can choose to pursue this path are practically without limit. What’s your personal or professional passion? Yoga – Time Management- Python Programming-Cooking-Gardening- Second Language-Financial Analysis-Navigating Foreign Travel-Photography-Bike Repair-Web Development-Marketing-Pottery?
According to Georgi Todorov of the blog, an online resource for SEO services and digital marketing services for online learning, prior to the Pandemic only 7% of employees worked from home but by the end of the Pandemic this had increased to 42%. And blog estimates there are currently nearly 11 million digital nomads in the U.S. alone with slightly over 1/3 owning their own businesses.

Imagine…taking something you are great at, and passionate about, and terming it into your own business and a digital nomad lifestyle! With your own course website on a platform like, and with support service providers like and you will provide lifelong learning opportunities to others while creating a new lifestyle and financial path for yourself. Data from thrivemywaycom indicates as a Google search term “digital nomad” increased by 247% between 2019 and 2021. This is a direct indicator of individuals’ increasing interest in pursuing an alternative lifestyle.
Digital nomads are nearly evenly split between those identifying as male and female. While 4% indicate they can fully support themselves working only 10 hours a week the majority still work around 40 hours a week. 42% are Millennials, 22% Gen X and 19% and 17% Gen z and Baby boomers respectively. While some U.S. digital nomads travel internationally the majority prefer to residing in the U.S. And guess what? More than half, 63% are in relationships and 20% have children.
For more on the digital nomad lifestyle checkout, and