October 2013

An Early Prediction From Beverly Macy Of A Hot Biz Trend For 2014

One of my favorite social media and technology gurus is Beverly Macy. I have spotlighted her on my blog a number of times. In addition to being a noted author she is also radio host of Social Media Radio on The Tavis Smiley Network.  One of Beverly’s predictions for 2014 is that predictive content is …

An Early Prediction From Beverly Macy Of A Hot Biz Trend For 2014 Read More »

Social Media For Social Impact-Invisible People-Mark Horvath Once Homeless Himself Tells The Stories Of The Homeless

We all have many facets of our lives. Another one of mine is personal responsibility to get involved in helping the disadvantaged.  To that end I hold the conviction that we can all do more to leverage social media for social impact.  My children and I fill our kitchen and  living room with brown paper bags and …

Social Media For Social Impact-Invisible People-Mark Horvath Once Homeless Himself Tells The Stories Of The Homeless Read More »

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